Setting up a client side React App that uses Firebase for authentication.
These frameworks and libraries offers a powerful way to bootstrap a new application. Paired with Firebase it’s relatively simple to deliver a safe authentication system that you can use both on the backend and the frontend of your application
Taylor recaps his journey as a trailblazer from getting started to everything that helped him along the way.
How to setup Firebase Auth on your backend.
Over the past decade REST has been the go-to for building API's but that may not be true for much longer.
How we make technical interviews more meaningful and less stressful
Using React's lifecycle to determine a user's screen time
Sharing a simple and clean asynchronous timeout function using ES6+ syntax
The Atomic Design Methodology and why Innovia uses it as our go-to structure for web and mobile projects.
A short breakdown of how JavaScript can run asynchronous tasks while being a single threaded language.